Behind SOMP-I
Kristina Persson
Kristina Persson is the originator of SOMP-I. She is an associate professor and specialist in pediatric physiotherapy. From the 1970-ties until 2012 she worked as a pediatric physiotherapist. In the beginning with in habilitation, and since 1984 at a pediatric hospital. For nearly 30 years she has worked with neonatology, mainly neonatal follow-up. She possess great knowledge of early motor development, the importance of early detection of motor problems and physiotherapy for the youngest children.
Since the 1980-ties Kristina Persson has performed research on SOMP-I, and lately mainly through supervision of PhD-students. She is one of the driving forces behind the continuous development of SOMP-I.

Kine Johansen
Kine Johansen is specialist in pediatric physiotherapy and has PhD in medical science. In her PhD-project she tested the clinical utility of SOMP-I within the child health services when used by nurses. Since 2010 she has been a part of the development of SOMP-I. She has worked as a clinician at a children’s hospital since 2004, mainly with neurodevelopment during the age of 0 to 3 years-of-age. She is driven by the importance of early detection of motor problems and early physiotherapy.
She is the owner and CEO of Movement Inspires AB.